Comments on: Silfab plans to start solar cell manufacturing in the United States, but Commerce investigation has halted progress Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Tue, 30 Aug 2022 12:06:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman Thu, 05 May 2022 00:20:57 +0000 ” A company like Silfab trying to establish solar cell manufacturing in the United States still needs access to silicon wafers, which are also included in the circumvention investigation.”

There is the “bottom line” in solar PV manufacturing, four of the five steps to make solar PV panels is pretty much owned by China right now. There are Chinese solar PV companies with solar PV panel lines in the U.S. manufacturing product right now. The solar PV cells are for the most part from China and already under the 201 tariffs already applied. So, what’s the deal, Auxin wants to “double tax” solar PV panels from Malaysa when the Chinese supply chain of silicon materials is already under the 201 tariffs? What really needs to be done is to jerk Auxin out of their cocoon like chairs, slapped around and slammed back down to the reality, to beat China you have to tune a manufacturing line to do it better, faster, cheaper with higher yields than China manages, you take on the supply chain yourself and develop and construct your own here in the U.S. or concede you don’t have a clue, file BK and step out of the arena.

There’s this part of the narrative not talked about much. Before Covid-19 China was enhancing the manufacturing lines of bifacial solar PV panels and should be ready by now to flood the market with bifacial offerings which seem to have been given a pass on the 201 tariffs. The policy so far with the U.S. is a repurposed use of the adage: “Cutting one’s nose off to spite their faces.” Welcome to dunce town and the popular dunce Logic.

By: Alex Wong Wed, 04 May 2022 19:27:20 +0000 Thanks for your great reporting. The petition seems so broad that it could wrap up potentially anyone that relies on China-sourced components. Do you have a sense of why the US Jinko and Hanwha Q CELLS plants are still (I presume) producing modules with polysilicon/wafers/cells likely sourced from China, yet Silfab is pumping the brakes on their own manufacturing?

Is it different risk tolerance? Are domestic manufacturers not at tariff risk? Is my understanding of the investigation fundamentally flawed?
